Modernism Without a Manifesto. The collection of Roman Babichev
Catalogue Raisonné in Six Volumes
The series Implicit Modernism [Russian title: Modernism without a Manifesto] rejects the progressionist interpretation of Soviet heritage based on consecutive manifestos (avant-garde - socialist realism - nonconformism). The authors base their study on the previously little-known paintings, drawings and sculptures in the collection of Roman Babichev and suggest seeing Soviet art as a space of continuous and sustainable modernist experimentation. This approach also enables a revision of the internal logic of the epoch, eschewing the facade of ideological confrontations in favour of the real history of mutual influence of artistic currents, thus placing Soviet art in the international 20th century context. Nadia Plungian
Hardcover AuthorsOlga Davydova, Maria Silina Publication Format 245x310 Number of pages 472 Number of illustrations 508 Year of issue 2021 ISBN 978-5-9500663-1-3
Первая книга серии очерчивает круг художественных объединений и направлений начала столетия, осмысляя первый этап становления модернизма в России. Книга включает исследование Ольги Давыдовой «Модерн и модернизмы», посвященное непрерывности символистской традиции в искусстве дореволюционного и советского периодов, и статью Марии Силиной об основных этапах формирования национальной скульптурной школы.
Cost 4 500₽ Regarding the purchase and delivery of books in Moscow please email in St. Petersburg telephone +7 (960) 238-70-19 Sergey
The book can also be purchased via Moscow Museum of Modern Art bookshop (25 Ul. Petrovka)
Russian art 1920–1950
Hardcover AuthorsNadia Plungian, Alexandra Selivanova, Maria Silina, Roman Babichev Publication Format 245x310 Number of pages 652 Number of illustrations 1067 Year of issue 2017 ISBN 978-5-9500663-3-7
The second book in the series is conceived as a guidance to the project's methodology. The texts by Nadia Plungian, Maria Silina and Alexandra Selivanova examine the problem of applying the term modernism to Soviet art, which has been in discussion for decades. The reason why the term remains controversial is the infamous 1930s campaign "against formalism" in painting, music and literature. After the war, it continued as "anti-modernism" and played a significant role in the formation of modern stereotypes about Soviet art, perpetuating the concept of confrontation of realism and visual innovation.
Cost 10 000₽ Regarding the purchase and delivery of books in Moscow please email in St. Petersburg telephone +7 (960) 238-70-19 Sergey
The book can also be purchased via Moscow Museum of Modern Art bookshop (25 Ul. Petrovka)
Russian art 1920–1950. Leningrad
Hardcover AuthorsNadia Plungian, Maria Silina, Roman Babichev Publication Format 245x310 Number of pages556 Number of illustrations 813 Year of issue 2018 ISBN 978-5-9500663-5-1
The third volume is concerned with the Leningrad art scene, which has recived increasing attention in the last decade as one of the brightest phenomena of pre-war Soviet art. Nadia Plungian and Maria Silina explore individual movements in sculpture and painting of the Leningrad school from post-suprematism to the workshop of analytical art, neoacademism and experimental printing workshop – all within the historical dynamics, taking into account mutual influences and internal connections.
Cost 5 000₽ Regarding the purchase and delivery of books in Moscow please email in St. Petersburg telephone +7 (960) 238-70-19 Sergey
The book can also be purchased via Moscow Museum of Modern Art bookshop (25 Ul. Petrovka)
Alexander Vedernikov (1898–1975)
Hardcover Authors Aleksandra Strukova, Roman Babichev Publication Format 245x310 Number of pages440 Number of illustrations 823 Year of issue 2017 ISBN 978-5-9500663-7-5
Alexander Vedernikov was an outstanding Russian artist, born in the town of Gorodets he became a bright representative of the Leningrad art school. Vedernikov was an active participant of the Circle of Artists (1926-1932), he was a masterful painter who drew from the French tradition, in the early period of his creative career (1930s) he sought to portray the restrained beauty of Leningrad. In the post-war years he paid particular attention to form and colour eventually becoming one of the best artists of the famous LOSKh (Leningrad Union of Artists) lithography workshop. In the last twenty years of his career, the artist often turned to folk motifs lubok prints and Gorodets toys, paying tribute to his origins on the river Volga. The largest body of Vedernikov's works is in the Moscow collection of Roman Babichev and is fully published in this edition: the monograph includes not only paintings, watercolours, drawings and lithographs, but also rare painted reliefs.
The volume's author Alexandra Strukova PhD is an art historian and researcher of the Leningrad school of painting.
Cost 4 000₽
Regarding the purchase and delivery of books in Moscow please email in St. Petersburg telephone +7 (960) 238-70-19 Sergey
The book can also be purchased via Moscow Museum of Modern Art bookshop (25 Ul. Petrovka)
Russian art. 1953–2010s
Заключительная, пятая книга серии перекидывает мост между советским модернизмом и постсоветскими, в том числе и современными, художественными тенденциями. В статьях Валентина Дьяконова и Надежды Плунгян послевоенное русское искусство показано как многосоставной процесс, существующий на пересечении нескольких явлений: это «суровый стиль», «левый МОСХ», неофициальное искусство и выделенное в отдельный кластер позднее наследие ведущих мастеров модернизма 1920–1930-х годов.
Alexander Grigoriev's Op-art
Soft cover Authors Maria Doronina, Anastasia Timofeenko, Roman Babichev Publication Format 245x310 Number of pages136 Number of illustrations 270 Year of issue 2023 ISBN 978-5-6046918-2-3
Шестая книга серии, «Оп-арт Александра Григорьева», посвящена творчеству художника-кинетиста и оп-артиста Александра Ефимовича Григорьева, участника группы «Движение». Тексты Марии Дорониной и Анастасии Тимофеенко знакомят читателя с художником, совмещающим в своем творчестве эксперименты с подвижной кинетической формой и работу с живописью и рельефами в стиле оп-арта.
Cost 1 500₽
Regarding the purchase and delivery of books in Moscow please email in St. Petersburg telephone +7 (960) 238-70-19 Sergey
The book can also be purchased via Moscow Museum of Modern Art bookshop (25 Ul. Petrovka)
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